Enter online today!
Downtown for the Holidays will take place on Monday, November 21st in Downtown Sioux City. Events will include the 2016 Holiday Lighted Parade at 6:15 p.m., the opening of Santa’s House and the Festival of Trees. New to this year’s events are free admission into the LaunchPAD Children’s Museum from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. with a donation of a canned good or new toy and the “Decorate Downtown” contest for window/storefront displays and building lighting.
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 231 is proud to present the 2016 Holiday Lighted Parade that begins at 6:15 p.m. on 4th and Iowa Streets and jingles its way down 4th Street. Businesses, organizations and service groups in the Siouxland community are encouraged to participate in the parade. There is no cost to enter and your float may win a cash prize for the best in its class. There will be classes for commercial and non commercial; 1st – $150.00, 2nd – $100.00 and 3rd – $50.00 will be awarded in each class.
All buildings and storefronts in downtown are invited to participate in the first annual Decorate Downtown lighting contest. Applicants must be in the Downtown Partners district and can compete in two categories; building lighting and windows/storefront displays. There will be $100.00 cash prize for the winner in each category, also sponsored by IBEW, Local 231. The “Decorate Downtown” contest will begin judging at 7:15 p.m. after the parade through Monday, December 5th, when the winners will be announced.
To participate, please call (712) 252-0014, email sarahfish@downtownsiouxcity.com, fill out the form online (links above) or print off and send in the entry forms (posted below) 2016 Holiday Lighted Parade and the Decorate Downtown contest entry forms. Registration deadline is Friday, November 11th.