
Join Our Board!

Are you a property owner, business owner, or resident in Downtown Sioux City? We’d be interested in hearing from you and learning more about your interest in helping downtown grow as a board member of Downtown Partners. Serving on the board is a rewarding experience and an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Completing this form will help you understand the skills and time/resource commitments of this leadership position for Downtown Sioux City.

Downtown Partners is a non-profit organization that works with stakeholders to create a vibrant, expanding downtown. What makes Downtown Partners unique from other City of Sioux City groups, organizations, and government departments is that they identify and address the specific needs of downtown stakeholders to give them an opportunity to provide more value and better serve the community.

Downtown Partners serves as the communication hub for downtown businesses. In this role, it collaborates with businesses that have similar needs and interests, represents downtown businesses through city processes, facilitates and coordinates revitalization efforts, encourages economic development, and promotes Downtown Sioux City.

Applications are due no later than April 21, 2023. If you have any further questions, please contact our executive director, Ragen Cote at ragencote@downtownsiouxcity.com (712) 204.4432.

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