
Litter Quick Picks are Back!

As the weather gets warmer, our “Litter Quick Picks” are making their return. Every first and third Friday of the month, we encourage people to pick up litter surrounding their residential or business spaces downtown. It only takes a few minutes, and together we can make an impact and keep downtown looking beautiful.

There are 10 Litter Quick Pick Captains located downtown. Find the captain nearest you to pick up supplies. Please call before stopping by.

While doing your part, share your efforts! Snap a picture or video while picking up litter downtown and post to social media with #quickpicksc and be sure to tag Downtown Partners. You never know when your efforts could be rewarded…

Thank you to everyone who participates in our Litter Quick Picks, helping to keep downtown beautiful.

For questions contact us at or call us at (712)-252-0014.

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